M/V Tucano
Manaus to the upper Rio Negro (Amazon lodges and cruises, Brazil)
A beautiful river boat that operates trips up the rivers Negro and Blanco, north of Manaus, and also visits the famous “Meeting of the Waters”, where the rivers Negro and Solimões meet. Their signature programme (Voyage to the Heart of the Amazon) is 6 nights, an in-depth exploration of the Amazon ecosystem (including the Anavilhanas archipelago) and fascinating for those with a real interest in nature and wildlife. They also operate a shorter 4 night itinerary (Into the Wild Amazon).
There are daily visits to sites of interest, including jungle walks, local communities and boat trips to see nocturnal wildlife.
The Tucano has 9 very comfortable, air-conditioned wooden cabins all with exterior views and private bathrooms.
Our comments
This is a very rewarding cruise on an impeccable boat that goes to places that no other boats reach. Their charming staff and well-trained guides will make the Amazon and its inhabitants come to life.
Client comments and reviews
What an elegant and comfortable old lady Tucano turned out to be! I'm not sure what I'd been expecting (I rarely look things up before I set off!) but I certainly wasn't expecting such a lovely-looking vessel. We had one of the two cabins that gave direct access onto the observation deck, and the other was empty as the Tucano was not sailing with a full occupancy. You're on a boat, so personal space is going to be cramped, but storage ergonomics were well thought out, beds very comfortable and no shortage of hot water. The salon provided a comfortable and convivial space for quiet games, reading or chatting, and likewise the observation deck which also allowed for 360° observation, with the additional zen serenity of just leaning on the rail watching the river and the forest glide by. Our fellow passengers also made for very enjoyable company. The crew was excellent from top to bottom, and delightful, smiling company. The cook was amazing and from a tiny cubby-hole that passed as the 'galley', came excellent breakfasts, cakes galore, a hot lunch and then finally a three-course dinner. This trip was supposed to have kick-started my diet, but it was a lost cause! Our guides were superb too. As far as the Rio Negro experience was concerned, I have rarely felt so serene and in tune with my senses.
- JB (January 2018)
The Tucano cruise was fabulous! Crew, guide, food - all excellent throughout.
- KR (September 2012)
The outstanding part was the Tucano. I do not think it would be possible to improve on this either in terms of value for money or sheer enjoyment. The crew were as good as it gets and the two guides and the cook magnificent. Our vegeterian diet was well catered for and the only problem was keeping the carnivores from scoffing it all!
- JP (November 2009)
This was wonderful, one of the best cruises/ part of holiday that we have ever been on. Within half a day we were in the wilderness, seeing very little habitation. The wildlife and scenery was excellent and the two guides superb.It was awful to come back to civilisation afterwards. The staff were excellent, nothing was too much trouble and the cook was beyond belief.
- MW (December 2007)
Tucano operates two different programmes: a 4 night cruise for those short on time or possibly wishing to combine the cruise with a lodge stay, or a 6 night cruise for those wanting a more expeditionary and in-depth cruise. Both venture into the Anavilhanas archipelago.
Into the Wild Amazon
A 4 night cruise into the dense forests and small tributaries within the Amazon
Day 1: Depart Manaus and cruise into the Rio Negro and through the Anavilhanas archipelago, the world's largest river island system. Weather permitting, afternoon river excursion into the flooded Igapó forest.
Day 2-3: Journey along the Rio Negro, with excursions into the small river channels of the Anavilhanas Archipelago on foot and by launch boat during the day. Weather permitting there will also be night excursions offered. You will also visit a small village community on the east bank of the Rio Negro.
Day 4: Continue to the meeting of the waters where the dark water of the Negro runs beside the opaque brown water of the Amazon. Visit the Lago Janauari Ecological Park with an afternoon excursion among the river settlements. In the evening cruise upstream along the Rio Negro to Manaus.
Day 5: Manaus - disembark in the morning.
Voyage to the Heart of the Amazon
A 6 night expedition cruise along hidden uninhabited rivers and deep into the wild woods of the Amazon
Days 1-3: Depart Manaus and cruise into the Rio Negro and through the Anavilhanas archipelago, the world's largest river island system. By mid-afternoon on the first day the vessel has passed settlements and entered a wilderness area where both shores are covered by dense rainforest. Explore the forest by foot or by launch boat.
Day 4: Arrive at the Rio Jauaperi and spend the day exploring this varzea forest area, maybe visiting a settler's home. Weather permitting there will also be a night excursion to observe nocturnal creatures.
Day 5: Proceed down the south-western bank of the Rio Negro observing the different wildlife found on this side of the river. Travel through the night to the confluence of the Amazon.
Day 6: Visit the Lago Janauari Ecological Park where the brown water of the Amazon flows swiftly through the forest. Continue to the meeting of the waters where the dark water of the Negro runs beside the opaque brown water of the Amazon.
Day 7: Disembark at the Tropical Hotel pier.
Yellow category cabins
The five yellow cabins (cabins 3-6 and 0) have twin beds; in cabins 3-6 the beds can be joined together to form a double bed.
Green category cabins
The two green staterooms (cabins 2 and 7) have one upper and one lower bed and are slightly smaller than the yellow staterooms.
Single Blue category cabins
The two blue cabins are smaller than the yellow cabins. The blue cabins (cabins 1 and 8) are single cabins.
50% discount for children under 12, sharing a cabin with an adult.
Cabin 0 (yellow category) can be used as a triple cabin; each occupant would be charged the green category rate.