The largest and densest rainforest in the world, the Amazon boasts more plant and animal species than any other jungle, creating a paradise for would-be explorers, naturalists and wildlife enthusiasts.

Amazon lodges and cruises
For the most rewarding insight to the wonders of the jungle we recommend a stay in one of several remote lodges, or a cruise along the Amazon or one of its tributaries.

Manaus, on the banks of the Rio Negro, flourished during the 19th century rubber boom, when the famous opera house and floating docks were built. Today economic activity has returned as it is a duty-free area for (mainly) the electrical industry. There are colourful markets (particularly for fish) and a boat trip to the meeting of the waters (where the brown Amazon, known here as the Solimões, meets the black waters of the Rio Negro) is popular.

Alta Floresta
This is the southernmost tip of the Amazon rainforest - a frontiers area which is being constantly eroded by the pressures of human habitation. A combination of private reserves and state parks are doing their best to protect this area of primary rainforest, with abundant wildlife and great natural beauty.