About us

Lizzy’s love affair with Latin America began with the time she spent volunteering in Mexico. Add to the mix a degree in Spanish and Latin American studies and a sixth month trip backpacking around South America and her passion for the region was heightened.
Following a stint working in London, she headed to the countryside and Last Frontiers and has been on numerous trips since - from her beloved Mexico down to the Falkland Islands and quite a few of the places in-between too. Some of Lizzy’s highlights include hiking the Inca Trail, the Galapagos Islands (twice), Iguazu Falls, rafting in Costa Rica, trekking with crampons on Perito Moreno Glacier, crossing the Uyuni salt flats, kayaking in the Peruvian Amazon and most recently a cruise from Ushuaia to Cape Horn.
Lizzy works on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Most memorable moment
It’s a difficult one but swimming with sea lions in Galapagos for the first time - they are so playful and will follow you and somersault with you.
Top tip
Always pack a sarong - it’ll keep you warm on a cold flight or bus journey; can be a useful scarf, dress or skirt, or even a beach towel.
Next 'must see'
I would love to return to Guatemala as it has been a long time since my last visit, maybe combining it with a visit to Belize (I would love to see the manatees). One day I would also like to take my children to Latin America, when they’re old enough to appreciate it!
Lizzy's recommendations
Lizzy's favourites

"Mexico will always hold a special place in my heart as it was the first place I visited in Latin America and I spent time living there so feel that I really got a feel for the country".

"The salt flats of Uyuni in Bolivia are unlike anywhere else, with surreal salt plains, giant cacti, lakes of different colours full of pink flamingoes and geysers that are mystical at dawn".

"As a child I always wanted to visit the Galapagos Islands and they don't disappoint. Certainly a once in a lifetime visit and I've been lucky enough to go twice (and would go again!)".